ExcelSource has extensive practical experience in dealing with the vendor community, whilst remaining completely independent of any particular supplier.

Key Steps

A typical business process change or 3rd party supplier engagement would consist of the following four steps:

  1. Preliminary Assessment – identifying the project with maximum opportunity for return
  2. Benchmarking & Refine Business Cases – quantifying the opportunity
  3. Business Change Proposal – detailing how the opportunity can be realised
  4. Service Delivery – realising the opportunity

Stage 1, Preliminary assessment: Discussions are held with the commercial and operational business owner of the service, typically over a two-day period. At this stage a preliminary report is issued by ExcelSource. This report outlines potential improvements to the current service in terms of quality and cost. A high-level business case is then drawn up. The assessment also highlights any business risks.

Stage 2, Benchmarking: This is carried out by benchmarking experts in ExcelSource to assess current SLAs and costs verses similar services in the market. This high-level benchmark will demonstrate a range of service levels and costs, with a percentage confidence level. These figures are then fed into the business case comparing current costs with upper and lower level benchmarks.

Stage 3, Business Change Proposal: Where the project concerns a business change, ExcelSource will prepare a detailed business change proposal. This will include activities like: business process design; role review and organisational structure design; IT systems architecture; and change requirements definitions.

Where a project is related to 3rd party review, our tender and contract negotiation sourcing process is used to draw up service definitions needed for our client’s future provision.

Stage 4, Service Delivery: This is where ExcelSource deliver against their own or the Suppliers proposal. We use Prince II project management methods to deliver, while minimising business risk, tracking the financial business case and ensuring timelines are achieved. If needed, ExcelSource can also take on the contract management activity once a 3rd party project has been delivered to ensure services are maintained at the high quality that it was first contracted.

The end result is a much improved service, be it through an in-house team or a 3rd party from which your business will benefit over the years to come.

During the various stages of an assignment, ExcelSource is able to draw on a pool of qualified and experienced subject matter experts. We offer agility, flexibility, a great return and excellent customer service, including regular weekly status updates, detailed analysis reports with clear and concise executive summaries, a project portal securing confidential data (away from your internal systems) and full board level support.

Please contact us now to explore any potential opportunities:

PDF file(s) available for download

1.     ExcelSource Introduction v2-1

2.     Telegraph Article 25-01-2011 – Marcel Horst.pdf