Your challenges; Our solutions

We advise UK organisations when reviewing their support services and Outsource arrangements in order to unlock greater value.

  • Recent acquisition?
  • Benefit from consolidating your support functions
  • Decline in revenue?
  • Identify cost saving opportunities from non-core activities
  • Financial pressure?

Leverage our expertise to reduce project risk when choosing a provider.

ExcelSource provide services to organisations that already have existing outsource relationships, as well as those considering outsourcing elements of their business for the first time.

We offer two great ways to ensure you get the maximum value from Outsourcing.

Independent Consulting

When a client is considering a new outsource solution or refreshing an existing arrangement, ExcelSource can carry out a complete review and evaluation process. This modular service provides a high degree of flexibility for clients to engage with us based on individual business elements, processes and needs.

  • Truly independent review to identify opportunities for saving
  • Fair approach to tendering, resulting in added-value solutions
  • Support from an experienced organisation with an established, efficient processes

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Prescriptive Solutions

When a client is considering a new outsource solution or refreshing an existing arrangement, ExcelSource can introduce best of breed suppliers to meet business needs.

  • Leverage over 90years combined experience in matching supplier partners with your requirements
  • Agile response to an urgent cost saving or service improvement need
  • Minimal cost to you, the client

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Case Studies

ExcelSource has a proven track record in delivering business benefit, such as up to 40% cost savings, reduction in headcount and improved SLAs.

In our Case Studies section you will find examples of projects where ExcelSource has demonstrated excellence in helping clients realise maximum value from their outsourcing relationships.

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