ExcelSource Privacy Policy

ExcelSource will not sell your data to third parties. View our separate privacy policy relating to email privacy below.

ExcelSource Limited is committed to protecting your privacy. Before providing us your details, please read the following information which concerns the protection of your personal data. In this policy “we”, “us” and “our” means ExcelSource and “you” means the individual using the ExcelSource Web site (“Site”).

Your data

ExcelSource takes the privacy of our visitors’ data very seriously. We comply with the requirements of European Union data protection legislation and adhere to the Data Protection Act 1998 in relation to the processing of any personal data we obtain from you.

Security and the entire global ExcelSource network

ExcelSource endeavours to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. All the data collected by us is stored on secure computers. Where this is agreed, this data will be encrypted. Please note that as a global company, ExcelSource operates a number of web sites around the world and any information you submit may be sent electronically to a server for one of these web sites in another country. Please note that by sending your personal information to us and browsing this Site you acknowledge and agree to the cross-border transfer of your information.

What information does ExcelSource collect and what do we do with this information?

ExcelSource holds and processes personal information which you provide via the Site as follows:

IP Addresses

We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems, to administer our Site and to gather demographic information. When you visit our site we recognise only your domain name and not your e-mail address. We will see your e-mail address only if you give it to us by filling out a form or by sending us an e-mail message.


A cookie is an element of data that a web site can send to your browser which may then store it on your system. Most browsers will automatically accept a cookie but it is possible to set your browser to notify you prior to it being sent and at which point you can accept or reject it. If you disable cookies from your browser you may not be able to access certain features of our Site.

We use cookies to keep count of your return visits to our site, to accumulate and report anonymous, aggregate, statistical information on website usage and to save your email address and other selective information you give us so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. We may also use cookies to track visitor browsing patterns in order to tailor our information offerings to you and others who use the site.

User Registration

If you choose to register, we can send you requested information on products, other product information, news or promotions.

E-mail addresses

If you choose to give us your e-mail address, we will communicate with you via e-mail and might inform you from time to time of products or other information which we think may be of interest to you. We do not share your e-mail address with third parties outside ExcelSource and its contracted associates.

You can opt out of receiving e-mail communications from us whenever you like by choosing the unsubscribe option provided on our e-mail communications.

What if you think we have incorrect information about you?

You have the right to have any personal data which we hold on you kept accurate and up-to-date. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us using our Contact page. We will change any information found to be incorrect promptly.

In addition, you have the right to be informed about any personal data which we hold on you. If you request access to that information you must do so in writing to the Data Protection Officer, ExcelSource Ltd., Westwood Park, London Road, Little Horkeley, Colchester, ESSEX  CO6 4BS. We may request a small fee to cover our administration charges.

Other web sites

ExcelSource may provide hyperlinks from the Site to web sites of third parties. Please note that this privacy policy applies only to the contents of the Site and not to those web sites to which we may provide a link. ExcelSource is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other web sites.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please complete this feedback form or write to: Webmaster, ExcelSource Ltd., Westwood Park, London Road, Little Horkeley, Colchester, ESSEX  CO6 4BS.

Email privacy

This privacy policy is for subscribers to ExcelSource’s email communications. This policy covers what email lists we maintain, and what contact options are available from ExcelSource, as well as how users can update or change their information or preferences. You may also wish to view our general privacy policy.

If you feel ExcelSource is not abiding by this privacy policy, please contact us using our contact form.

ExcelSource email policy overview

ExcelSource maintains a strict opt-in only policy in regard to its e-marketing communications. We only send email to individuals who have requested that these mailings be sent to them, or as part of an ongoing relationship we have with an individual or business.

Your right to control what mailings, if any, you receive from ExcelSource is important to us. The information below will assist you in understanding the different mailing options you have, and how you can notify us of changes in the mailings you wish to receive or to unsubscribe in general.

Though we may include announcements from partners or other third parties in some communications, we do not provide email addresses to third parties.

What mailing lists ExcelSource maintains and your subscription options

  • ExcelSource mailing lists
  • Operational Notifications
  • ExcelSource holds one mailing list for sending operational messages to its current clients.

Marketing Mailings and Newsletters

Periodic notifications on best practices and resources.

ExcelSource maintains a list of contacts who have expressed an interest in receiving periodic announcements, and updates about our services and events; as well as newsletters, marketing and product information from ExcelSource. If you are interested in receiving this information, you may subscribe by completing the contact form and ticking the appropriate boxes.

Changing your subscription preferences

Customer and partner communications

As an ExcelSource customer or partner, you can update your communications preferences at any time by following the convenient links located at the bottom of emails from ExcelSource. Requests submitted in this manner are processed and effective immediately.

In addition, you may email a request using our contact page or reply to any email from ExcelSource requesting that your address be unsubscribed. Please be aware that unsubscribe requests submitted in this manner will take longer to process and will not be effective immediately.

Non-customer communications

As a web site visitor who has requested that we send you email updates, you can update your communications preferences or unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the relevant link within emails you receive from us. Unsubscribe requests submitted through this form are processed and effective immediately.

In addition, you may email a request using our contact page or reply to any email from ExcelSource requesting that your address be unsubscribed. Please be aware that unsubscribe requests submitted this way will take longer to process and will not be effective immediately.

Third party mailings

Occasionally, ExcelSource may contract with a third party to communicate on ExcelSource’s behalf to the third party’s contacts. We do not collect your email address or contact information from this third party, and we do not have access to their mailing list.

Depending on the nature of the third party mailing, we may, in order to comply with applicable laws, provide the third party with a suppression list of contacts to exclude from their list. The third party does not have permission to keep or market to this list, or to use it in any way other than as a suppression list for a mailing they are providing on ExcelSource’s behalf.

Contacting ExcelSource about your privacy

  • If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this web site, or your dealings with this web site, you can contact us using our contact page.
  • Compliance Team, Westwood Park, London Road, Little Horkeley, Colchester, ESSEX  CO6 4BS
  • Additional contact information is available on ExcelSource’s Contact page.

Notification of Changes in This Privacy Policy

Changes to this privacy policy will be posted to the ExcelSource.co.uk web site. Though we will not change this policy in such a way to significantly reduce a user’s expected level of privacy, we do encourage users to return to the privacy policy periodically to review the policy and to consider any changes.